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Next.js is a framework for building dynamic web apps using React.js. Learn how to get the most out of Next.js from web development experts in these episodes.

Rob Stanford

Rob Stanford

Thursday, May 23 2024 @ 9:30 AM PDT

Run Next.js without Vercel

What does it take to support Next.js on a platform other than Vercel? Rob Stanford will share how he and his team reverse engineered Next.js to add support for its complex feature set on Netlify.

Daniel Kim

Daniel Kim

Wednesday, February 22 2023 @ 9:30 AM PST

Location-Based Next.js Middleware With New Relic Synthetics

If your app needs to behave differently based on user location, Next.js Middleware gives you control. And New Relic Synthetics make testing easy. Observability Week Day 3 features Daniel Kim!

Mat Wilk

Mat Wilk

Tuesday, February 21 2023 @ 9:30 AM PST

Why Should Web Developers Care About Logging?

Troubleshoot and debug web apps faster, easier, and stress-free. This episode leverages create-t3-app as a starting point and New Relic to unify APM and logs in context. Mat Wilk joins for day 2 of Observability Week!

Tiff Janzen

Tiff Janzen

Thursday, February 16 2023 @ 9:30 AM PST

Visual Editing w/Next.js, Contentful, and Stackbit

Finding a workflow that’s good for devs *and* content writers is hard. In this episode, Tiff Janzen will teach us how to use Stackbit to make all your teams happy.

Colby Fayock

Colby Fayock

Thursday, November 17 2022 @ 9:30 AM PST

Better Images in Next.js with Cloudinary

Cloudinary provides powerful transformation APIs so you don’t have to waste time fiddling with images. Colby Fayock has a new library for Next.js to make it even easier.

Jason Lengstorf

Jason Lengstorf

Tuesday, August 23 2022 @ 10:30 AM PDT

PlanetScale Serverless Driver, Netlify Edge Functions, and Next.js

PlanetScale just released a serverless driver for Netlify Edge Functions that unlocks some very cool possibilities at the edge. Let's spend some time digging in and seeing how it works in this episode.

Jason Lengstorf

Jason Lengstorf

Tuesday, August 2 2022 @ 10:30 AM PDT

Build an E-commerce Site with Next.js and Shopify

Build a modern e-commerce web store using Next.js and Shopify. Jason will tackle building a custom app with a shopping cart in this episode.

Faraz Patankar

Faraz Patankar

Thursday, April 21 2022 @ 9:30 AM PDT

Deploy a Site With Self-Hosted Analytics

Add self-hosted analytics to a Next.js site using Umami. Faraz Patankar will teach us how to build, instrument, and deploy an app to Railway.

Ondrej Polesny

Ondrej Polesny

Thursday, January 27 2022 @ 9:30 AM PST

Set Up a Better Content Editing Experience

Using a decoupled CMS, we want to add shareable previews, fast search, and keep a great DX. Ondrej Polesny will teach us how Kontent by Kentico, Next.js, and Netlify make it possible!

Jon Meyers

Jon Meyers

Tuesday, January 11 2022 @ 4:00 PM PST

Build an App With Supabase and NextJS

Supabase combines database storage and authentication into a powerful workflow for web devs. In this episode, Jon Meyers will teach us how to build a Next.js app with Supabase and deploy it to Netlify!

Joel Hooks

Joel Hooks

Tuesday, January 4 2022 @ 10:30 AM PST

Marketing Automation With + Next.js

Joel hooks has been building full-featured marketing automation using Nextjs & for some of the most popular dev education sites out there. In this episode, he'll share how it's done!

Shadid Haque

Shadid Haque

Tuesday, December 21 2021 @ 10:30 AM PST

Build a Full-Stack Serverless App With Next.js & Fauna

Web devs have more power than ever to build ambitious full-stack apps. In this episode, Shadid Haque will teach us how to build a TikTok clone with Netlify Functions, Fauna, and Next.js!

Taylor Barnett

Taylor Barnett

Friday, November 19 2021 @ 9:00 AM PST

Serverless Databases With PlanetScale and Next.js

Custom databases on the Jamstack? Absolutely! Taylor Barnett will teach us how Planetscale and Netlify make it possible (and fun!) to build and deploy DB-powered Next.js apps!



Friday, October 8 2021 @ 10:30 AM PDT

Next.js Dynamic Routes With Contentful's GraphQL API

Next.js has a popular approach for generating dynamic routes. In this episode, Salma Alam-Naylor (a.k.a. whitep4nth3r) will teach us how to use Contentful’s GraphQL API to power them.

Steve Sewell

Steve Sewell

Tuesday, March 30 2021 @ 10:30 AM PDT

Create an Ecommerce Site Using Shopify, Next.js, and

How do you give non-developers control over the look and feel of an ecommerce site? Steve Sewell will teach us how to use Next.js, Shopify, and Builderio to do it!

Colby Fayock

Colby Fayock

Thursday, February 18 2021 @ 9:30 AM PST

Use WordPress with Next.js

Colby Fayock will teach us how we can combine the great content editing experience of Word Press, the flexibility of developing with Next.js, and the power of deploying to Netlify!

Joel Hooks

Joel Hooks

Tuesday, February 16 2021 @ 10:30 AM PST

Serverless Marketing Automation for React

In this episode, learn how Joel Hooks creates powerful marketing automation using serverless functions, CustomerIO, and Next.js. This is a peek behind the curtain at!

Scott Moss

Scott Moss

Thursday, January 14 2021 @ 9:30 AM PST

Let's Learn Next.js!

Next.js makes building ReactJS apps fast and flexible. In this episode, Scott Moss will teach us what Next can do and what we can build with it!

Monica Powell

Monica Powell

Thursday, October 1 2020 @ 9:30 AM PDT

Webmention + Next.js

Did you know that Webmentions let you pull tweets, other blogs, and other activity from around the web into your site? In this episode, Monica Powell teaches us how to add it to a Next.js site!

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